17 indoor plants that grow in water - for stylish interiors

Many indoor plants are genetically programmed to form roots from cuttings in water. In fact, you can use this feature not only for propagation, but also to grow your favorite flowers without soil. Such minimalist decorations are perfect for bathroom or kitchen decor. Moreover, it is easy to realize it by growing plants in glass jars or vases. Let's talk about it in this article.


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17 reasons why houseplants are dying

This article provides a detailed explanation of 17 common reasons why houseplants may die. It covers areas such as choosing the right plant, the impact of temperature changes, watering schedules and methods, the importance of fertilization and appropriate soil, the effect of light and location, the significance of pot size and drainage, and the dangers of pests. The article also discusses the importance of adjusting care according to the changing seasons and not being too hard on yourself if things go wrong.

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How to Increase Yields: 7 Agro-Techniques That Will Save You Time and Effort


This article provides valuable tips and techniques to increase crop yields while saving time and energy. The author shares their personal experience and knowledge on topics like crop rotation, mulching, sowing green manures, choosing compatible plant neighbors, selecting disease-resistant varieties, pollination, and pinching. The article is filled with practical advice, making it a valuable resource for those interested in efficient and effective gardening.

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How not to go broke on indoor flowers: 12 tips, Guidelines for those who have decided to green the apartment pt.2

This is a detailed guide on how to cultivate indoor plants without breaking the bank. It provides 12 useful tips that cover aspects such as asking friends for plant cuttings, propagating plants from cuttings, saving money on pots, providing proper care, creating your own soil, and creating fertilizer from food waste. It offers a wealth of knowledge for both beginners and seasoned indoor gardeners.


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indoor plants, plant care, saving money, plant buying guide, home gardening, plant growth tips, plant maintenance

I also decided that a few flowers on the windowsill were not enough for me - I needed more greenery on all the shelves.

A trip to the store brought me to my senses: the plants I liked cost 5$-30$ a piece, and they still needed pots and soil. I'm not ready to spend tens of thousands on flowers, so I figured out how to save money - I share my methods in this article.


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How to properly water indoor flowers: 9 main rules A checklist for the beginner

People often worry about their flowers withering during their vacation, but overwatering them can be even more detrimental.

We've previously shared tips from our readers on how to manage the watering of indoor plants while on vacation. However, from personal experience, I've only had one plant wither but lost a dozen due to improper watering. I failed to consider factors such as the time of day, season, and the use of tap water. Now, I know how to water plants properly.


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